Archive for the 'Friday Fail Shots' Category

Friday Fail Shots – Round 2!

HAIIIIII! Welcome back to Friday Fail Shots! In this week’s FFS we have: Tartdarling, the Pally! Surprise, surprise I know. But hey, the raiding toon gets the most deaths right? Ok, maybe not so much with me, but to be honest I’ve not had much alt-ing time, so it’s kind of been all paladin all […]

Friday Fail Shots

Hello again Lovelies! I’m back with a new Friday special! Friday Fail Shots (or, FFS ) featuring yours truly, doing what she does best, tanking the floor. Especially when I am on my pally. When she’s not wiping raids, she watching them from the vantage point of the floor. Because THIS: Leads to this: And […]